We are delighted to introduce Burli Newsroom version 248i, the most recent official update, which significantly improves audio handling, network stability, and automation in the newsroom. This release is a representation of our continued drive for the delivery of the most reliable and efficient newsroom system to broadcasters.
Among many important updates, this release offers some key enhancements of the audio subsystem – with improved rendering of waveform for MP2 archives and more reliable capturing audio capabilities. We have modernized our integration with weather services by adding support for new Environment Canada URLs and significantly enhancing the e-mail capture system – now with Microsoft 365 Exchange support. Our enhanced automation controls at the heart of our services, with added customizable start times and kill date/time offsets now available in PlayoutONE, will prove particularly useful in newsrooms. Also, an increased security framework through enhancements within user management, as well as support for self-signed certificates in FTP operations.
Find more detailed information about this release on our Burli Newsroom support site:
Official Release 248i, December 2024 – Burli Newsroom Support
About ‘Official’ Burli Releases
An official release is one that we recommend for production use in most newsrooms worldwide. We’re confident it will run with typical Burli stability in various newsrooms. More recent versions of Newsroom may already exist (we’re releasing or updating something almost weekly) and may already be used in some newsrooms. But most newsrooms are well served by using the latest official release.
We make an official release once updates have been running in various newsrooms. That usually happens a couple of times a year.
If you’d like to be one of the newsrooms that run newer releases and have all the latest toys, just let us know.